Friday, March 30

Coming Soon...

Like many of you I'm checking iTunes daily for "Propellerhead Figure" to no avail... So I was happy to see this twitter on PropellerheadSW this morning:
"We're working some things out with Apple, can't give you an exact release date but soon."

I can't wait to get my hands on Figure! How's about you?


Keats Handwriting said...

Yeah, I've been checking iTunes like 5 times a day... I'm starting to give up hope. Glad to see I'm not the only one. I wish they wouldn't tease us with the software and then be over optomostic about the release date--there are always snafus with Apple iOS apps!

Lewis.72 said...

Someone mentioned on the PUF that Apple and the Props might be rolling out Figure with the Tuesday promotions... so maybe April 3rd?