Friday, January 29

EditEd4TV - Live Grain Sweep

This Combinator allows you to do graintable sweep/scrub through frozen incoming audio. As opposed to other scrubber combinators I've made, this one works with incoming audio (either a full rack mix, or live audio, or whatever). Previous versions relied on loading a sample into an NN-19 or NN-XT and using "sample start" to sweep around, but this new device doesn't need that... no need to take audio, export/save as wav/aif, reimport, etc. It's all live. This demonstration is with a Factory Soundbank Combinator in run mode, as well as an NN-XT playing back a sample, but again, I'm not using the NN-XT for anything other than sample playback... it's the Combi that's scrubbing the audio.
EditEd4TV's Reasonable Help

Read my interview with EditED HERE!

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