Friday, April 15

made by robot - Kradle Videos

Bells on Kradle

Quick random improv using Kradle for the Monome

Kradle POC

Quick proof of concept mockup in Max for an Arc based Newtons Cradle style random sequencer (I guess it's technically not random at all). Using the drum sounds in the OOTB Max Java demo patch for ease. I'm not entirely sure it works as a drum machine, it's too all over the place. But I'll slap on some midi/osc outs and see how it sounds hooked up to a more ambient style sound generator.

This is very much POC, the hit zones are still off by a few all I do is check to see if the left one is within a range, and the right one is within a range, if so bang. I'm also considering adding a 2nd set of rotators which you control with the press, these would have a 1/2 intensity setting to differentiate and would also react with their neighbors, this might add to the speed of the collisions.

The spinning and velocity is a taken from a butchered copy of one of Strettas now deprecated "primitives"

-made by robot

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