Thursday, December 13

Kick Toolkit v1.1!

Woke up to a nice surprise in my inbox - Robb from Reason: Patch a Day has released an update to the fantastic Kick Toolkit ReFill:

"I wanted to take a moment to thank you again for purchasing my Kick Toolkit Refill. I had no idea what kind of response I would get when I first started putting the refill together, but I was both pleased and thankful for every order I received. Thanks!

Words are nice, of course, and it's great to get a pat on the back from someone who appreciates you, but you can't load a thank you into Redrum or NN-XT. That's why, in addition to my thanks, you're also getting an updated Kick Toolkit Refill for the holidays! The updated refill fixes a navigation issue with the NN-19 folder, renaming it to Samplers, which now contains a folder for the NN-19 patches and a separate folder for the simple Combinators. Hopefully this makes a little more sense to use on your end.

Also included in the update are 90 new kick drum samples, putting the total sample count at 400 analog kicks.

Given that I made changes with the folder structure, I'd recommend you keep the old refill, until you're certain that this update doesn't "break" any of your projects.

Thanks again for supporting Reason Patch A Day and for sending a few dollars my way.

Take care,


Reason Patch A Day"

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