Thursday, January 27

52 Reason / Record Tips - Week 45: Subtractor Filters and Envelopes

In the second installment of my "Synth School" series I'll be staying on the Sub-
tractor synth but looking at the Filter sections, Amp Envelope, Filter Envelope,
and Mod Envelope sections. The masters of synth production are masters of
these tools. Something as simple as a Low Pass filter when paired with the right
chord progression can lift the entire club crowd into a frenzy. The proper Amp
Envelope can bring out the vibe in your song. These are powerful tools to con-
veying and even evoking strong emotion from what sometimes are rather sterile
starting melodies or chords.

As always, I encourage you to play around with them on your own to get a feel
for how they behave and interact with each other but today I'll walk you through
each slider and button and show you a little of my own experimentation.


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